Legal Blogs – Blogs on legal topics

Personal Injury Compensation Claims for Pedestrians

Personal Injury Compensation Claims for Pedestrians

Personal Injury Compensation Claims for Pedestrians in Bexleyheath, Kent, London & South East   I have dealt with a large number of compensation claims involving pedestrians injured as a result of accidents involving cars, vans, buses and motorcycles.  I have recovered compensation for adults and children who have been injured whilst crossing roads at pedestrian…

electic scooter

Electric Scooters

E-scooters have become increasingly popular during the past ten years.  They are now a familiar sight on roads, pavements, in pedestrianised shopping areas and on public footpaths.  Many people who use electric scooters mistakenly believe that they can legally be used on public roads, pavements, footpaths and other public spaces including car parks and shopping…

dog bite injury claims

Dog Bite Injury Claims

Dog Bite Injury Claims in Bexleyheath, London, Kent, and the South East I have recovered compensation for a number of claimants who have sustained dog bite injuries. The Animals Act 1971 imposes a strict liability on a keeper of an animal for damage done by that animal. The keeper is defined as a person who…

Settlement offers

Settlement Offers in Personal Injury Claims

Settlement Offers in Personal Injury Claims in Bexleyheath, London, Kent   The Civil Procedure Rules which govern the way personal injury claims are litigated allow the parties to a claim to put forward offers of settlement.  The Rules allow a claimant or defendant to put forward an offer of settlement of a personal injury claim…

Care Award

Care Award Claims

Care Award Claims in Bexleyheath, London, Kent, and the South East   In many personal injury claims, a claimant would have sustained injuries that prevent them from carrying out activities that they were able to undertake before they were injured.  A claimant may not be able to do the cooking, shopping, housework and may have…

Tripping accident compensation claims

Tripping Accident Compensation Claims

Personal Injury Tripping Accident Compensation Claims in Bexleyheath, Kent, London & South East   There is no automatic right to compensation for personal injuries and other losses sustained as a result of a tripping accident.  Where the accident occurs on a publicly maintained pavement or road, the local authority responsible for maintaining the pavement or…

Compensation claims relating to the use of Ladders and Stepladders.


Personal Injury Compensation claims relating to the use of Ladders and Stepladders     I have dealt with a large number of personal injury claims arising out of the use of ladders and stepladders at work.  The Work at Height Regulations 2005 states that every employer shall ensure that a ladder is used for work…