If you have been injured as a result of an accident at work, using a defective product, a tripping or slipping accident, a road traffic accident or have a claim as a result of negligent medical or dental treatment, then you could be entitled to compensation if someone else was responsible for your injury. So please contact us for Personal Injury Claims General Information. A compensation claim has to be made within three years of the date of the accident; however, for children, that period doesn’t start to run until the child is eighteen, and the three-year period doesn’t begin until you know the identity of the party responsible for the injury or have sufficient information to make a claim. A person who lacks mental capacity can bring a claim outside the three years through an adult representative. Claiming injuries on board an aircraft or aboard a ship is only two years. General damages awards for injuries sustained are tax-free. Still, in much higher value claims, awards for loss of earnings, loss of pension, care costs, medical treatment costs, disability aids and the cost of adapting accommodation for disabled use can be more significant than the part of the award relating only to the injuries sustained. We aim to maximise your compensation award by including every element of your claim that is realistically recoverable.
Personal Injury Claims General Information
If you have a personal injury claim
Call: 020 3551 7154
Weekend telephone number (10 am to 7 pm)
Call: 07771 801745
Personal Injury Claims General Information Bexleyheath
We are Bexleyheath, a South East London-based law firm and would like to ask you to visit our office and discuss it more. In the same way, you can contact us via phone. We have separate numbers for the weekend. Please explore our about page to know more on our services. Similarly, visit our social media to get latest news and views on personal injury claims general information.
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